Christine Schenk, CSJ with special guest, Theresa Kane, RSM
January 26, 2020
In 1979 Sister Theresa Kane's widely publicized greeting asking Pope John Paul II to open all the ministries of the Church to women galvanized the women's movement in the Catholic Church. Much has happened in the intervening 40 years and Sister Theresa provided leadership for the ongoing struggles, always speaking with deep faith.
Our presenter, Sister Christine Schenk, the founding director of FutureChurch,has also played an important role in pursuing a vision of equality and justice for women in the church and in society. She provided the creative energy behind the campaign to reclaim Mary of Magdala as the Apostle to the Apostles. In 2018 her book, Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity, received a first place
award from the Catholic Press Association. Most recently, she has written To Speak the Truth in Love: A Biography of Theresa Kane, RSMpublished in November 2019 by Orbis Books.
Our presenter, Sister Christine Schenk, the founding director of FutureChurch,has also played an important role in pursuing a vision of equality and justice for women in the church and in society. She provided the creative energy behind the campaign to reclaim Mary of Magdala as the Apostle to the Apostles. In 2018 her book, Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in Early Christianity, received a first place
Sister Chris shared with us her perspectives on this important period of contemporary Catholic history when women religious exercised unparalleled leadership in speaking out for women's equality.
Joining us as our special guest was Sister Theresa Kane who provided us with lively anecdotes of her story.