
VOTFNJ Coordinating Team

VOTFNJ is managed by a Coordinating Team that is assisted by a dedicated group of volunteers committed to the VOTF's mission and goals.

Meeting Facilatator: Carole Rogers
Meeting Secretary: Juanita Saco
VOTFNJ Spokesperson: Carole Rogers
Treasurer: Robert Pipchick
Prayerful Voice: Charlie & Juanita Saco
Communications* - Bernice Anglin & Mary Aktay
Membership: Juanita Saco
Speakers/Education: Mary Gannon, Bob & Peg Pipchik, Leo Rogers, Tish Dickinson 

Victim/Survivor Support - Liaison to Road to Recovery: Robert Hoatson

To reach a coordinating team member, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*Website: Content - Tina Genest; Technical Support - Matt Cece

Whether you have 10 minutes or 1 hour a week to spare, VOTFNJ invites you to share your skills and spirit with other members already involved in the committees listed below.  Our mission is exciting.  Our tasks are challenging.  We welcome your help, your prayers, and your companionship as we "Keep the Faith.  Change the Church."


Victim/Survivor Support Spearhead effort behind legislative change for statute of limitations.
VOTFNJ Coordination Meeting Facilitator, Meeting Secretary, Treasurer
Prayerful Voice Coordinate prayer and worship at our meetings and for our VOTFNJ  faith community
Speakers/ Education Plan agenda for VOTFNJ programs.
Select topics and speakers/panelists
Secure locations and coordinate set-up and break-down for meetings.

Develop and distribute external (e.g., press releases, program flyers) and internal (e.g., VOTFNJ Update) communications.
Create and maintain databases.
Edit montly newsletter
Manage VOTFNJ website.
Coordinate social media.

Spokesperson Respond to press inquiries.

For more information or to volunteer for a specific committee, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Your addresses will not be shared with other groups or any marketers. We will report to the press the aggregate number of names submitted as evidence that Catholics are concerned and what change. You will occasionally receive e-mail from VOTFNJ.

16 Feb
Celebration of the Liturgy
Date Feb 16, 2025 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm

Mike Corso presiding

2 Mar
Community Celebration
Mar 02, 2025 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm
23 Mar
Lenten Reflection
Mar 23, 2025 04:30 pm - 06:00 pm

Leader: Rev. Anthony Randazzo