Select a link below for a description and sound clip:
- Sadness and Service at the Border with Sr. Norma Pimentel, M.J.
- Father Daniel Groody, CSC, speaks on The Theology of Migration
- Synodality: The "In Between Years" with Bishop Johwn Stowe, OFM, Conv.
- Lent: A Season of Transformation with Rev. Ken Lash
- Presentation by Sister Peggy O'Neil, SC (Passcode: %JyU7C$p)
- The Origins and Development of Priesthood in the 1st and 2nd Millennium
- White Man on a Bicycle
- Living the Gospel in a Turbulent World
- The Common Good - Fr. Terence Moran
- Leaders of Catholic Reform
- Imagining New Ways of Being Catholic
- Understanding the Essence of Islam
- What is going on with the Vatican? ...And why should I stay Catholic?
- Our Church: Called to be a reflection of who God is. What does this ask of us?
- Speaking Truth with Love & Wisdom: Sister Theresa Kane and the Catholic Women's Movement